19 of the best Vital Proteins Recipes coming at you here today! We all love Vital Proteins collagen peptides, I know. But if you’re wondering how to use Vital Proteins collagen in recipes, these 19 Vital Proteins recipes have lots of Whole30 Vital Proteins recipes, Paleo collagen recipe options, even ways to use beef gelatin! #vitalproteins #vitalproteinsrecipes #vitalproteinswhole30! All of these Vital Proteins recipes are delicious, not too labor intensive, and great ways to add more collagen into your diet.

This post is sponsored by Vital Proteins. Iām happy to work with a company I love, use and believe in so much! Thanks for your support here on the blog and your support for Vital Proteins!
Organized by dinner course, they’re all made with Vital Proteins products for added collagen benefits. What better way to level up the meal you’re going to be cooking anyway than by making them protein and collagen packed?! I certainly can’t think of a better way!
There’s so many benefits to adding collagen to your diet. Collagen is the most abundant protein in our body, but as we age, we start producing less and less of it. By taking Vital Proteins daily, the results you’ll experience include better skin, healthier nails, more hair growth, increased joint mobility, better digestive health, just to name a few.
Check out my in-depth breakdown of the benefits and uses to each Whole30 Approved Vital Proteins option!
It’s perfect for those needing extra protein because it’s the cleanest protein option. Vital Proteins ingredient label is JUST collagen. A protein we already make naturally. It’s great for people who’ve had any sort of joint injury from surgery or intense training, along with people concerned with hair loss from weight loss or after having a new lil’ baby.
These Vital Proteins recipes will show you just how easy it is to get Vital Proteins into your daily routine! Enjoy!
Vital Proteins Recipes for Appetizers:
3 Ingredient Chocolate Fondue Appetizer Platter
Lemon Pepper Chicken Wings (Whole30)
Whole30 Vital Proteins Recipes for Salads:
Winter Salad with Orange Vanilla Vinaigrette (Whole30)
Romaine Wedge Salad with Creamy Herb Dressing (Whole30)
Whole30 and Paleo Vital Proteins Recipes for Soups:
Chorizo and Butternut Squash Chili (Whole30)
Chicken Gnocchi Soup
Chorizo and Veggie Stew (Whole30)
Whole30 Vital Proteins Recipes for Side Dishes:
Scalloped Potatoes (Whole30)
Best Ever Chunky Mashed Potatoes (Whole30)
Whole30 Vital Proteins Recipes for Main Courses:
Paleo Cashew Chicken (Whole30)
Shrimp Stir Fry (Whole30)
Pork Tenderloin with Rosemary Mushroom Gravy (Whole30)
Easy Salisbury steak (Whole30)
Best Classic Italian Meatball Recipe (Whole30)
Berry Glazed Grilled Chicken (Whole30)
Slow Cooker Sweet Balsamic Beef
Grilled Steak and Cranberry Chimichurri (Whole30)
Paleo Vital Proteins Recipes for Desserts:
Raspberry Lemonade Jello
Layered Berry Cheesecake (Paleo & No Bake)

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